Pregnancy & Birth

Pregnancy & Birth

Acupuncture can help ease you through the many physical and emotional changes that occur during each trimester to promote a comfortable and healthy pregnancy. Acupuncture during pregnancy decreases the chance of miscarriage and helps with problems that may occur such as morning sickness, back pain, tiredness, heartburn, haemorrhoids, anxiety etc. Acupuncture also increases blood flow to the uterus to help nourish the baby.

Breech Babies – Traditional Chinese medicine has been using moxibustion (heat treatment) to successfully turn breech babies for thousands of years. We combine acupuncture with moxibustion to facilitate the turning process. If you are concerned about your baby’s position the best time to begin acupuncture and moxibustion to turn breech or transverse babies is in the 33rd-34th week of pregnancy when your baby still has plenty of room to turn.

Pre-birth acupuncture is when a woman is treated in the final weeks of pregnancy. Acupuncture once a week from around Week 34 until labour will help to prepare you for childbirth. Research has shown that pre-birth acupuncture, or ‘Cervical Ripening’, offers reduced time spent in labour, and a reduced rate of medical intervention (induction and cesarean). The purpose of this treatment is to work with your body to prepare you for the most efficient labour physically and emotionally, to help the baby become engaged in a favourable position within the pelvis and for the cervix to gradually soften and dilate.