About Us

At Dublin Fertility Acupuncture we offer affordable, professional healthcare in a calm and relaxed environment where you are given time to discuss your needs and treatment plan. Our focus is on giving you the best support, advice and acupuncture treatment to help achieve a healthy conception and pregnancy.

Trying to conceive can be stressful and at times overwhelming. This is a space where you can relax, de-stress, be heard and be supported.

Acupuncture is one of the most widely recognised and successful methods of improving fertility. Traditional Chinese Medicine can help support and nurture your body to promote fertility and a healthy pregnancy. Acupuncture is an holistic, natural treatment which is very safe and is compatible with western medicine.  Acupuncture can be used alone or combined with other forms of Traditional Chinese Medicine such as Herbal Medicine, Cupping, Moxibustion (a form of heat treatment) and Dietary Advice.

Madeleine has an extensive background in women’s health and fertility support from over a decade of experience as an acupuncturist and Traditional Chinese Medical practitioner.  She has been in practice since 2008 and is registered with the Professional Register of Traditional Chinese Medicine. Treatments at Dublin Fertility Acupuncture are recognised by all the major health insurers. 

The World Health Organisation recognises that acupuncture can help fertility problems in both men and women and aid with IVF. Acupuncture can boost the chances of conceiving successfully (both naturally and through IVF) as it prepares the body for conception and pregnancy. It is a relaxing therapy that harmonises the body’s energy. Acupuncture can regulate hormones, strengthen the immune system, reduce stress and increase energy. A typical treatment lasts up to an hour

Successful conception depends on the couple’s overall health. The approach used is to optimise the fertility health of both partners. This is achieved in the female partner by treating any irregularity in the menstrual cycle such as:

    • amenorrhea (the absence of menstruation)
    • heavy bleeding
    • anovulation (lack of ovulation)

It can also help with gynaecological problems such as:

    • PMS
    • endometriosis
    • fibroids
    • Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS)

Acupuncture can optimise the fertility health of the male partner by improving sperm quality and count. Specific protocols exist for:

    • low sperm count
    • poor morphology (the size and shape of sperm)
    • low sperm motility

As stress, anxiety, endocrine hormone imbalance and the body’s metabolism may all impact conception, all of these issues can be addressed using acupuncture and can benefit both partners.

Acupuncture and IVF

Preparation for IVF can begin several months prior to start of treatment, but even one month before commencement of treatment can make a difference to the fertilisation rate and can improve implantation success.

Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine helps improve IVF success rates by:

    • Improving the function of the ovaries to produce better quality eggs.
    • Regulating the hormones to produce a larger number of follicles.
    • Increasing blood flow to the uterus and increasing the thickness of the uterine lining.
    • Relaxing the patient and decreasing her stress.
    • Helping prevent uterine contractions.
    • Lessening the side effects of drugs and medications used during IVF.
    • Improving the sperm quality and count.
    • Decreasing the chance of miscarriage.

Having acupuncture pre and post IVF transfer can be particularly useful. Treatment prior to embryo transfer invigorates blood flow in the local area in order to make the body more receptive to the embryo. Treatment after embryo transfer stabilises the hormone levels and therefore keeps the embryo safe. This also calms and relaxes the uterus so that it does not reject the embryo.

Acupuncture and Pregnancy

Acupuncture can help ease you through the many physical and emotional changes that occur during each trimester to promote a comfortable and healthy pregnancy. Acupuncture during pregnancy decreases the chance of miscarriage and helps with problems that may occur such as morning sickness, back pain, tiredness, heartburn, haemorrhoids, anxiety etc. Acupuncture also increases blood flow to the uterus to help nourish the baby.

Breech Babies – Traditional Chinese medicine has been using moxibustion (heat treatment) to successfully turn breech babies for thousands of years. We combine acupuncture with moxibustion to facilitate the turning process. If you are concerned about your baby’s position the best time to begin acupuncture and moxibustion to turn breech or transverse babies is in the 33rd-34th week of pregnancy when your baby still has plenty of room to turn.

Pre-birth acupuncture is when a woman is treated in the final weeks of pregnancy. Acupuncture once a week from around Week 34 until labour will help to prepare you for childbirth. Research has shown that pre-birth acupuncture, or ‘Cervical Ripening’, offers reduced time spent in labour, and a reduced rate of medical intervention (induction and caesarean). The purpose of this treatment is to work with your body to prepare you for the most efficient labour physically and emotionally, to help the baby become engaged in a favourable position within the pelvis and for the cervix to gradually soften and dilate.